Open Source Introducing new SigmaHQ Rule Packs
SIEM Detection Format
The shareable
detection format for
security professionals.
Get the most out of the Sigma ecosystem in your SIEM, and start using thousands of great security detections from the community and beyond.
title: AWS Root Credentials
description: Detects AWS root account usage
product: aws
service: cloudtrail
userIdentity.type: Root
eventType: AwsServiceEvent
condition: selection and not filter
- AWS Tasks That Require Root User Credentials
level: medium
sourcetype="aws:cloudtrail" userIdentity.type="Root"
NOT eventType="AwsServiceEvent"
... or any supported SIEM.
What is Sigma?
Share detectable malicious behaviour.
Sigma is a generic, open, and structured detection format that allows security teams to detect relevant log events in a simple and shareable way.
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- Sigma VSCode Extension
- pySigma Development
- Sigma Search Engine
- Sigma Rule Detection ReferenceComing Soon
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